Well, since I last posted I was going to make an effort to sew and draw some more. That all got pretty stalled due to life getting in the way. My dad had a heart attack and I flew back to the great dairyland to spend some time with the family. He made it through alright, however he definitely has to make some changes, and I believe he has done very well. With that trip I got some sketches done while I waited at the airport, and spent my fair amount of time on Pintrest looking at some quilts and such, just getting inspired. Then not too long after my return I was trying to get caught back up in life when, yet again, life happened and I lost my job. So much for that fantastic bike shop job... Some people just aren't sales material.
At this point all that was good and going for me was cycling, and even that was a struggle. Sometimes when your world seems to crash, it's hard to keep the motivation to ride 10+hours a week on the bike alone. Unless you meet a guy... On bikes. A really fantastic one. Sometimes life just happens. Because of this fantastic guy, I worked out more than I would have, I had more reasons to hop on my bike, I began to enjoy the rollers, and I got the opportunity to work for a web design/advertising company for a week during this unemployment adventure. (Unfortunately it won't be able to work out full time, but I'm still thrilled that I have been able to take this time and really figure things out.) I know I like this guy. He's fantastic in so many ways and good for me. I like my life. I spend lunch break riding rollers with my boyfriend. I spend my Wednesday nights at the track volunteering, and some weekends working bike races as a USA Cycling official. I sometimes even get to race myself.
Sure, things aren't perfect by any means right now, but being unemployed has let me really think about what I enjoy and what I might wanna do. I'm still not entirely certain, but yesterday I got re inspired to sew and to draw. When I did those and compared to working a week along the lines of graphic design, I realized that I do have talent. I do have skill, and I am happiest when I feel like I can use them. This week and the weeks to come I will continue to sew and draw and create some collections and make a plan and flyer for quilt classes. I will continue to look for jobs that have to do with textiles. I like to draw. I like to work with my hands. And I like to ride my bike. Even though it's a mental struggle for me at the moment, I wanna hit 300 miles this week. The world is my limit.
Below are some pictures of my recent adventures. They range from my amazing boyfriend racing, my good friend Darel being an awesome person friend and bike racer, to the new quilt block I did yesterday and the beginning of my drawings...
Kevin racing at Athens Twilight.
Darel. He's a hard worker and fast racer.
My coach Kat (right), her husband a little man, and Debbie.
Because I can. This is how I spend lunch. riding rollers with that guy :)
Though I'm nowhere near pro, hopefully next year I can be closer and race these again confidently and take matters in my own hands.
Re inspired to sew. Thanks Pintrest and all you amazing quilters out there!