Thursday, August 6, 2015

Drawing for the Day

Here is yesterday's "Drawing of the Day" 

Barn Quilts for Sale

Here are some pre-designed 2'x2' barn quilts that are for sale. They are posted for $100, but maybe you know the secret password for the discount?!

First order!

We did receive an order from our Lands' End farmers market. It may not seem like much, but one is better than none. Here are some sketches I have worked on. More to come!

Everyone has to try

Well everyone, I have made my dad a barn quilt to be hung up on his work building. From there, we decided to take a stab at making more and selling them. Here are some pictures from the wonderful adventure!
First we have to get some paint

Next we have to get some ideas and make some color decisions

Then we paint in the garage, because all successful businesses start in a garage, right?

Displayed these for Farmers Appreciation Day in Dodgeville, WI. Didn't quite get many lookers, but next time!

Here I am setting up and making a bunch of 2'x2' one to show at the Lands' End Farmers Market.

Of course niece and nephew have to help paint! Aunt Heather is awesome.

Barn Quilts by Heather at Lands' End Farmers Market

Wouldn't've been able to do all this without mom!

Though we didn't sell any, we did get a lot of interest. Can't wait to hear from everyone who took a flier. We actually got one order, so I will be posting soon some design ideas for a 2'x2' lighthouse one.

Last display before I take off to Georgia. I will be taking all the 2'x2's with me, but don't be afraid, we still have an office in Wisconsin!

The world is my limit! 

Barn Quilts of Wisconsin!

Today I was driving around my hometown area just looking to see which barns already are displaying barn quilts and which ones might need barn quilts. Here are some I came across:

Spotted on RAGBRAI while riding. (Somewhere in Iowa)

(Dodgeville, WI)

This home had 3 barn quilts on their property! (Montfort, WI)

(Montfort, WI)

Don't have a barn or garage? You don't need one. This family got creative and hung theirs in their yard! (Darlington, WI)

Look at this beautiful work of art. Designed to match their home. Love these colors and design (Dodgeville, WI)

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Oklahoma Freewheel

Today is day zero of Oklahoma Freewheel--bike ride across Oklahoma. It began in this little town, Hollis, where I arrived here late last night around 10:15pm (central time zone) after driving since 8am (eastern time zone). Getting here was fantastic, and I was sweaty, and smelly, and sticky. Then I slept.

It's a whole new crew here and Emilee and I are essentially running the show (I say "essentially" because it really really is a team effort and everyone is a major part. But Emilee and I know what's up and have been put in charge). I think that "day 1" went over well enough, but I do expect everyone to have figured out the biggest kinks and hiccups by day 3 where we will run like a well oiled bike chain. 

Here is the full crew, as well as our mascot for the day--I named him Oakie.

This is the hard work we put into the day.

Thiiiiis is... Well, Oklahoma.

And this is the other Texas borderline. The Red River. Looks pretty dry to me... But definitely red.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Tedious tasks and lots of rain

Well the past few days have been exhausting and a little frustrating. I've been so excited to come up to Wisconsin and ride the beautiful roads here. I got a total of ONE beautiful ride for the rest were all drenched in rain. I wasn't very happy about this, but nonetheless, I made it all work, and of course I kept Maddy in my tent with me when I was camping...

This is me not too happy about the rain. Or forgetting my sunglasses. Or because I need a new helmet and always look stupid in it. Oh yeah, and as Kevin will remind me, it's too small.

I got to be the mean aunt (usually am) and make the kids hold hands until I decided since they couldn't get along. They didn't like that too much. They also weren't putting in lots of effort either...

Next is the adventures and nature of my job. But also how awesome it is and how great it is to have a relaxed (though sometimes highly stressful) job. Fantastic to be able to make my own hours.

Gaffers tape. Best. Thing. Ever. This is how I kept track of which tents I have gone through, because if I went through any a second time, I would hate myself. I've opened and inspected at least 200 tents this past week. 

Just the beginning of my box of broken poles that I got to inspect. Gaffers tape. Best. Thing. Ever.

Many many problem tents. For the bigger ones there were actually more problem tents than okay tents. "Problem" just means a broken or missing pole that needs to be replaced. 

I concluded my week here in WI with a nice Memorial Day dinner with the family and a campfire. Today I finished up some more work and tonight I will head to my grandma's to spend time with her and cut off an hour from my 12 hour drive back down to GA tomorrow. 

Until next time!