Saturday, June 6, 2015

Oklahoma Freewheel

Today is day zero of Oklahoma Freewheel--bike ride across Oklahoma. It began in this little town, Hollis, where I arrived here late last night around 10:15pm (central time zone) after driving since 8am (eastern time zone). Getting here was fantastic, and I was sweaty, and smelly, and sticky. Then I slept.

It's a whole new crew here and Emilee and I are essentially running the show (I say "essentially" because it really really is a team effort and everyone is a major part. But Emilee and I know what's up and have been put in charge). I think that "day 1" went over well enough, but I do expect everyone to have figured out the biggest kinks and hiccups by day 3 where we will run like a well oiled bike chain. 

Here is the full crew, as well as our mascot for the day--I named him Oakie.

This is the hard work we put into the day.

Thiiiiis is... Well, Oklahoma.

And this is the other Texas borderline. The Red River. Looks pretty dry to me... But definitely red.

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