Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Tedious tasks and lots of rain

Well the past few days have been exhausting and a little frustrating. I've been so excited to come up to Wisconsin and ride the beautiful roads here. I got a total of ONE beautiful ride for the rest were all drenched in rain. I wasn't very happy about this, but nonetheless, I made it all work, and of course I kept Maddy in my tent with me when I was camping...

This is me not too happy about the rain. Or forgetting my sunglasses. Or because I need a new helmet and always look stupid in it. Oh yeah, and as Kevin will remind me, it's too small.

I got to be the mean aunt (usually am) and make the kids hold hands until I decided since they couldn't get along. They didn't like that too much. They also weren't putting in lots of effort either...

Next is the adventures and nature of my job. But also how awesome it is and how great it is to have a relaxed (though sometimes highly stressful) job. Fantastic to be able to make my own hours.

Gaffers tape. Best. Thing. Ever. This is how I kept track of which tents I have gone through, because if I went through any a second time, I would hate myself. I've opened and inspected at least 200 tents this past week. 

Just the beginning of my box of broken poles that I got to inspect. Gaffers tape. Best. Thing. Ever.

Many many problem tents. For the bigger ones there were actually more problem tents than okay tents. "Problem" just means a broken or missing pole that needs to be replaced. 

I concluded my week here in WI with a nice Memorial Day dinner with the family and a campfire. Today I finished up some more work and tonight I will head to my grandma's to spend time with her and cut off an hour from my 12 hour drive back down to GA tomorrow. 

Until next time!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Another Beautiful Day

I said I would post every day. Even though I just posted, I need to update you on my day, today.

Today started off with waking up comfortably in my tent. With Maddy by my side (my bike. Yes, she stayed in my tent). Since I can't have Kevin, I suppose the next closest thing to him is my bike. It is both our pride and joy--cycling, that is.
Soon after, my sister, Jennifer, and I went for a run. She has started to make serious efforts to clean up her health. She has done a fantastic job in doing so and has lost almost 40lbs! I am very proud of her (and the rest of my family who have all also lost about 40lbs, each) but since Jen and I talk every day with weight and health goals and acheivements, it was great to run a mile with her. She told me I was her biggest motivator, and you don't know what that means to me, but it makes me very very happy.

Then I had to make up for yesterday and I got in a beautiful 58 mile ride. It was only supposed to be 50 miles, but I missed a turn. I'm really not upset. I still finished in 3 hours. It's great to have a new perspective of the roads I grew up on. :)

My favorite boys (Kevin and Darel) raced today in Lawerenceville, GA, and on my ride I stopped to give them a good luck thumbs-up. Both did very well and finished rubber side down. That makes me happy. 

I have figured out my summer, schedule, details, etc, and I am very happy about this. Also a bit sad since I will be gone the great majority of June. I will miss my friends, boyfriend, and roommate very much, but I will get to meet plenty more people and see amazing sites and ride my bike along the way. 

I am back at the campsite tonight with the whole family. It's nice to be back with everyone and doing the things I've missed out on for the past 5 years. 

This is my life for the summer, and it does not bother me one bit. The world is my limit and there are endless possibilities. Take Hold of all the opportunities.

Welcome to my Office

Yesterday I started working my new/old job. My office was the great outdoors, and I couldn't have asked for a better day to work outside. My tasks are tedious, but in the end the job is worth it.

This is the beautiful headquarters of Shuttleguy LLC. 

And here is the bigger half of the office. This is where I spent my day. My first task was to count chairs and make sure they are in good condition. There was a lot of evidence of mice, however, they didn't damage too much.

Plus I had this guy to help me out.

Shuttleguy is getting more ready for the summer!

My next task was to blow up allllll the air mattresses and see which ones were good and not so good or which had a slow leak. This task took quite a while, truly it took up the latter half of my day. Though I didn't quite think of the efficiency of running two pumps at once, I was still quite efficient and got 40 pages read of "Frankenstein". My lovely Kevin is helping me explore the classical world of literature as well as basically get me to read. Reading is always something I have lacked in, but recently I have been very interested in doing so. My issue is that I don't know the classics and thoroughly enjoy reading history or biographies. I would still love to enjoy and understand references. I am very happy to let Kevin influence me with reading. As well as many other great things.

Lastly, since I spent such a long day at the office, I never did get my two hour ride in for it was about 9pm before I got out to my sisters campsite for the evening. However, don't let that fool you, or myself. I am a dedicated athlete, and I will do something!

Hey, the world is my limit, and I'm great at making the most of things. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Welcome to Wisconsin

For the summer, I have accepted my old job of working for Shuttleguy LLC. It is a company that provides a hospitality service for bike tours, supported. I have done this job many times, beginning when I was in high school. It has always been one of my favorites for th reason that I get to travel, be outside, work hard, meet people, and am around bikes. People on bikes are just happy.

I tried to keep my return a surprise for my parents, and I got them! After driving doe 13 hours, I crashed at my sisters house and spent the morning with my niece while my sister found a way to get mom to lunch. Using rollers, I was able to efficiently use my time and spend time with Payton while getting my ride in. It was a good morning. After almost giving my dad another heart attack by surprising him, I went out for my real bike ride. The weather was 45 degrees and rainy. I was not enjoying my ride. But I guess this isn't Georgia!

Yesterday I got out for another ride and it was perfect weather. I felt Great on the bike and everything seemed just right. The only thing that was missing was my best friend and riding partner--Kevin. Soon enough I'll get to ride with him again! On my ride yesterday, I started in Platteville, WI, and then rode to my sisters house. On the way, I did a little sight seeing and passed the biggest "M" in the country. It's for the miners. On a mound. It was neat to ride by. I've really only seen it from the highway all these years I've lived in the area. I'll tell ya though, those roads out there are kind of rough on the bike! Not to mention the wind yesterday. I was almost blown over 5 times. But still enjoyed the ride. :)

Well I've got to get back to work, this was more of a snack break and catch up post. I'm going to try to make efforts to post nightly about the days adventures this summer since I will be traveling so much and being in a different state or place practically every week!